Pietro Delcorno: In front of the Divine Judge | Előadás

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2019 febr 25.
17:00 - 18:30

ELTE BTK Történeti Intézet Szekfű Gyula Könyvtár

The Florentine sacre rappresentazioni are a peculiar genre of confraternal theatre developed during the fifteenth century as an innovative form of religious instruction. By skilfully intertwining doctrinal discourses and theatrical strategies these spectacles constituted a memorable and powerful form of education. Within this dramatic genre, stories of saints had the lion share and served to present exemplary lives as well as to visualize theological concepts. To illustrate how hagiographical stories were appropriated and transformed on the stage, the paper will focus on the three dramas that aimed at entrenching a vivid idea of God’s eternal justice. Through dramatic scenes, lively dialogues, and material symbols, the plays staged the divine tribunal and used saints’ stories to provide the audience with an insight on a key theological and pastoral issue, namely the complex relationship between justice and mercy.

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