Who Manages Memories – State or people? | Kerekasztal-beszélgetés a CEU-n

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2018 márc 26.
17:30 - 19:30

Central European University

All great cities have monuments and memorials, and Budapest is no exception. Is there a clash now between how the state and the people imagine memorial sites, what should be remembered and why?
The students of the Cultural Heritage Studies Program are organizing a round-table discussion „Should the State manage the memorials and memories on behalf of the people?” to consider what is the role of the government and that of the people in defining national memory, memorials and monuments. The round table is part of our “Memories of the Danube” project, and we invite you to partake in discussions of how memories are created and managed, and by whom.

We expect a lively discussion on this subject among the invited guest speakers and the audience moderated by Daniel Ziemann, Associate Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University.

The discussion panel will consist of experts in the fields of modern history of Central Europe, the archival history of the Cold War, Holocaust studies, and the role of Europe.
The discussion panel:
Éva Kovács – Research Programme Director at Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies
Gabriella Ivacs –Head of Archives and Records Management at the International Atomic Energy Agency
Stefano Bottoni – Senior Research Fellow in Contemporary History at the Research Center for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Tamás Meszerics – A Hungarian politician and Member of the European Parliament from Hungary.
Helyszín: Budapest, Nádor u. 15. Room: 103 (Tiered Room)

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