Tomasz Grusiecki: Almost Different but Not Quite: The Dutch Republic, Poland-Lithuania and the Co-dependency of Centre and Periphery | Előadás

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2018 jan 17.
17:30 - 19:00

Central European University, Monument Building

2018. január 17-én (szerda) 17.30-tól Tomasz Grusiecki (CEU) tart nyilvános előadást Almost Different but Not Quite: The Dutch Republic, Poland-Lithuania and the Co-dependency of Centre and Periphery címmel a Central European University Nádor utcai kampuszán.

Examining seventeenth-century Dutch images of men and boys in Polish-Lithuanian dress, this paper argues that these representations played an important role in rehearsing the status of the United Provinces in the wider world. Poland-Lithuania stood in a peripheral relation to the Dutch Republic: a country at the centre of seventeenth-century world economy. The images addressed in this paper suggest, however, that the periphery despite its economic dependency on the centre made the centre itself dependent on the periphery for its own self-image.

Helyszín: Central European University, Monument Building, Gellner Room (1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9.)

Forrás: Central European University

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